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This is What AI Thinks People From Every State Dress Like

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AI imagines every states fashion style

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Artificial Intelligence has transitioned from a mere buzzword to an integral part of our daily lives. Among its countless uses, the image generation feature of AI has captured the public's imagination, providing a fascinating glimpse into AI's interpretation of what is considered "normal."

At REVERSIBLE, where fashion meets the future, we've taken this fascination a step further. Intrigued by the idea of regional style nuances and the cultural tapestry that fashion weaves across the United States, we embarked on a creative experiment. We asked AI to depict the average fashion style of each state…here’s what it came up with.


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Alabama


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Alaska


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Arizona


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Arkansas


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in California


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Colorado


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Connecticut


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Delaware


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Florida


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Georgia


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Hawaii


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Idaho


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Illinois


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Indiana


 AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Iowa


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Kansas


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Kentucky


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Louisiana


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Maine


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Maryland


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Massachusetts


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Michigan


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Minnesota


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Mississippi


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Missouri


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Montana


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Nebraska


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Nevada

New Hampshire

AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in New Hampshire

New Jersey

AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in New Jersey

New Mexico

AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in New Mexico

New York

AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in New York

North Carolina

AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in North Carolina

North Dakota

AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in North Dakota


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Ohio


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Oklahoma


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Oregon


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Pennsylvania

Rhode Island

AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Rhode Island

South Carolina

AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in South Carolina

South Dakota

AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in South Dakota


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Tennessee


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Texas


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Utah


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Vermont


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Virginia


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Washington

West Virginia

AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in West Virginia


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Wisconsin


AI curated images of the average fashion style of individuals in Wyoming

Closing Thoughts

As we conclude our exploration of AI's imaginative take on state-by-state fashion, we're struck by the vast creativity and variety inherent in fashion, revealing the stark contrasts in style that span the United States.

Just as AI has painted a picture of what might be considered the "average" fashion style in each state, REVERSIBLE provides a canvas for you to express your unique style, drawing inspiration from a curated collection of over 100,000 designer items from more than 200 retailers and boutiques worldwide.

Intrigued by how AI can transform your wardrobe? Explore our AI Personal Stylist feature. This innovative tool allows you to customize your fashion journey, leveraging our AI stylist to uncover your distinct tastes and handpick the ideal items that reflect your personal style. Embrace the exciting blend of technology and fashion with REVERSIBLE, and experience a new era of personalized style.


Using the tool MidJourney, we asked AI to depict the typical street fashion of the average man and woman in the present day, showcasing their fashion choices that align with the common attire worn by individuals in all 50 states.